Task 3.2 : Eco-design metrics


Definition of the metrics for the integration of the 6R in the eco-design of electronic systems.


Task 3.2 defines new metrics to integrate environmental impact, reliability, repair, reuse, recyclability and waste reduction to guide eco-design in compliance with standard requirements. These new metrics will be reported in the deliverable D3.4 in month M0+11 to allow their deployments in EECONE eco-design tools. The final report (D3.5), taking into account WP3 partners feedback on the metrics implementation will be published in Month M0+36.

Task Leader : Aniah

Role of partners

- ANIAH (Task leader) will extend lifetime of ICs by provided early, real-time insight of how long an IC will last. Aniah will model Integrated Circuits lifetime from device models, mission profile and circuit topologies. Aniah will detect and report IC lifetime main detractors and consolidate IC and mission profiles at PCB level. Aniah plan to publish an IC reliability watermark to prove its compliance with legal requirements

- ACORDE will participate in the definition of the metrics for the integration of the 6R in the eco-design of electronic systems. ACORDE will support the definition of metrics in terms of eco-design thanks to its experience in the area of embedded and RF design.

- CEA will analyse metrics related to environmental impact, the 6R and e-waste necessary to the design flow developed in Task 3.3. For the topics not covered by literature, CEA will propose new metrics.

- DTI will analyse electrical components with respect of sustainability and recycling, creating BOM list with respect of components recycling.

- D&R will propose a profiling methodology of products through greenness attributes. To each attribute will be assigned a metric, which can be delivered by different tools or in the form of an estimate. A global metric will be assigned for the whole system.

- ECODC will support and collaborate with RISE and Swiss Vault in determining the relevant material data to build the necessary models that can be used with the relevant LCA tools to determine when to refresh data centre ICT hardware, thus basing decisions on environmental impact and financial cost as a means of minimising the e-Waste from data centres.

- Fraunhofer will define 6R-related metrics and calculate the developed metrics of this work package using example scenarios (on product level). Special focus will be put on the applicability and significance. It is therefore a validation of the metrics.

- IFAG (Infineon) will comment to eco-design metrics using information as far as available. This includes research on the need, importance and application of the ecodesign criteria.

- INP-GRE will work on the development of residual value indicator at various system levels. CNRS and UGA will support this activity with supervision and expertise. This indicator will help targeting which 6R scenario to be selected to maximise functional value and to minimise environmental impacts among 6R scenarios. They specify the residual value indicator, its inputs, its meaning and thresholds and develop the residual value indicator, from the technical and modelling point of view. Finally, they will benchmark the residual value indicator on end user cases study.

- UL-IMF will provide support in new metrics development to be integrated within EECONE platform reflecting environmental impact, reliability, repair, reuse, recyclability and waste reduction to guide eco-design.

- RISE will undertake an analysis to breakdown the material components that make up servers, switches and storage electronic systems to support credible and useful metrics for the environmental impact of ICT equipment that is part of the data centre estate. That would provide the necessary data for LCA tools to better attribute sustainability as part of data centre ICT refresh and repurposing. The task will involve ECODC and other relevant partners to breakdown data centre ICT systems.

- SVS has experience in engineering, fabricating, and operating data storage racks. SVS will provide performance metrics on components and design engineering knowledge to extend the life cycle of critical data server components. Working with RISE and ECODC, SVS will implement methodology to measure performance in a real-world environment.

- STGNB2 SAS will provide insight on the metrics from ICs perspective.

- 4MOD will aid in the development of the Environmental impact metrics from a Life cycle perspective.

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