Task 5.5: Task force on standards and regulations
This task is dedicated to the analysis of emerging standards,) regulations and environmental labelling schemes related to the eco-design and circularity of electronic products.This task force will:- Draw a clear and shared view of the standards, regulation and environmental labelling landscape in Europe, but also worldwide methodologies (ex: ITU-T SG 5, product durability indicators addressing both hardware and software components, right to repair legislation, etc.)
It will identify singularities from countries that could be of interest toward sustainability in electronics. Besides, special attention will be paid to European Strategic Action Plan on Batteries that will introduce new requirements for environmental sustainability of batteries. - CEA and ANIAH will be in charge to lead this activity in close relationship with most industrial partners in the project.
This activity corresponds to deliverable D5.10, that will be released at T0+18. - Promote outputs from the project that could drive future regulations and standards in Europe, based on the landscape and the development carried out throughout the project. The long term goal is to come up with a Green electronic system profiling/labelling of electronic products (electronic board first) based on the advances within EECONE project. Again, CEA and ANIAH will coordinate the recommendations on standards and regulations.
- Analyse how the evolution of this landscape will affect IC design methodologies. To this end, it will be closely linked to the eco-design specifications obtained in WP3. The two last activities correspond to deliverable D5.13 at the end of the project M36.
Involved Partners : ANIAH, CEA
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