Task 1.3 Technical coordination, use case targets monitoring
This project covers significant innovation works among the whole consortium and across the operational Work Packages, with a very high ambition. Efficient coordination in between the different partners, and Work Packages and also a common technical roadmap updated on a yearly basis, are key to ensure its success. The goal here is to ensure that the project roadmap is consolidated, up to date, that overall specifications are defined, and risk assessment is updated on a regular basis to guarantee the overall technical coordination and success of the program.
The Project Coordinator and the Executive Board are responsible for technical coordination and scientific quality assurance throughout the project. This task involves monitoring of the technical progress, coordinating input/output flows between the various work packages and tasks and risk monitoring. In case needed corrective actions will be taken including possible work reallocation. Monitoring of the technical progress will be done on the basis of reports prepared by the WP and Tasks leaders every six months, that include a deliverable and milestone review template. Corrective actions will be prepared by the Project Coordinator and the Executive Board.
Participant 1: IFAG
- Quality management: surveying of indicators throughout the project to allow periodic reporting
- Improvement of the functioning of the project.
- Mitigation strategies in case of critical issues (technical, human, financial, hazard...) affecting essential
- components of project implementation.
- Risk management
- Communication with the KDT JU
- Maintain the Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement including Amendments
- Progress and Resources follow-up
- Designation of the General Assembly and Executive Board of the project,
- Review of reports and verify their quality and completeness before submission
- Validation and submission of reports to the KDT JU
- Report on distribution of payments
- submission of deliverables and periodic reports
- strategic management of the project and interaction with other projects (as mandate)
- Setting-up of reporting tools and templates
- Notification of partners on the reporting calendar
- Update of administrative information (mailing list, bank data...)
- Partner s contributions collection and follow-up
- Consolidation of the reports
- Organization of the annual review meetings with the KDT JU and national authorities representatives, plus intermediate meetings for the whole consortium
- Monitoring of use case from a technical and environmental performance point of view.
From Participant 2 to Participant 49 (All other partners)
- Participation to the project coordination, specifically WP and Tasks Leaders
- Participation to the project meeting,
- Contribution to the deliverables and interim and contractual reports.
Even if no specific deliverables are produced by this task, it will have a very important role in the production of all the deliverables of the project in term of technical level, consistency and global quality.
Additional coordination task of Participant 9, Design & Reuse
In agreement and cooperation with the EECONE project coordinator, D&R will participate to the administration and engage in the agile research set up of the project through the following tasks:
Project Viewer for all project members available through the private entry of the dissemination portal https://www.drgateway.com/eecone/. The following data are displayed:
o a listing of participant and companies (all users per company)
o Company Involvement (link) in which WP, Task, Subtask
o List of deliverables and milestone
Project Coordinator private page. An administration role project coordinator gives access to a special page where the following tasks can be performed:
o User list and mail system
o User Classification into groups according to the attributes given by the coordinator (Main, Admin, legal, technical)
o Creation of associated user groups
o Support of broadcast (mail) to all and each group
o Updated list of Deliverables /Milestone
o Flexible format according to the coordinator wishes
o Any view or status of deliverable/milestone required by the coordinator