Sub task 2.2.1 Definition of Priorities

Definition of Priorities with a mapping of Raw Materials used and waste stream produced at each step (Fab, Assembly, Distribution, Aftersales, Repairing, End of Life): To understand where and how we could reduce the environmental impact of electronic product manufactured today or in near future we will focus in this task on the reduction of the impact linked to raw materials and waste streams generated during the entire life cycle of the electronic products:
- Wafer Production
- Production phases
- Assembly phases
- Repair steps
- Recycling phases
This approach will be made also by quantify the raw materials in each stream as well as environmentally critical elements which may raise the waste classification (i.e., Fluorine from Lion higher handling cost)
This quantification and mapping will be made in link with the criticality of strategic raw material for electronics (compile and use the data of EU Program Prosum and Futuram)
This will give the raw materials on which we need to focus on.
The result of this mapping and quantification will be aggregate into the deliverable: In Use case 2 we will uses the same methodology to assess the actual impact of power electronic inverter.