Subtask 4.1.1: Specifications and requirements for material development

Specifications and requirements to develop sustainable PCBs and sensors using novel materials which reduce the environmental footprint of the electronics developed for use cases, also provided as report in Milestone M4.1.
- BOSCH will define requirements from the automotive industry with the focus on LCA for UC-1. They will also evaluate integration of Press-fit technology in sustainable PCBs such as:
- Specification of required mechanical strength for smart PCB stack-up and alternative PCB materials
- PCBinteractionwithPFTincaseofPCBdamagesuchascracks,jeteffect,etc.
- VITESCO will define requirements for Power electronics toward On-Board charger and DCDC
converter PCB’s for Electric Vehicle for UC-2. - MELSENTECH in collaboration with DTI will determine the material specifications for development of membrane switches with low environmental footprint. They will also conduct end user validation and pilot scale production for UC-3.
4MOD will define material requirements for integration and demonstration of organic substrates and conductive inks for the antenna/PCB developed into the eco-designed RCU demonstrator and compare it to the current unit for UC-4.
- SALenvisions a solution that consists of two components, a single-use sensor patch in contact with the sample, which needs to be disposed every time and a reusable chip patch for UC-6. For both types, requirements will be shared with partners regarding choice of material and functionality to make the sensors sustainable.
- TST will integrate sustainable substrate and inks into soil probe devices which are manufactured based on specification provided by TST to partners for this task for UC-10.
UniPg and LGE will collaborate with Leonardo in UC-9 – Health Management System for Avionics. UniPg and LGE will collaborate with TST UC-10 for the realization of autonomous soil sensors based on energy harvesting and biodegradable materials
- IFAG and THD will do research into new recyclable materials for electronics e.g. nanocellulose and encapsulation and work on material selection. Use cases are clustered depending on the developmental requirements such as choice of substrates, inks, printing techniques and recycling technology provided by use case owners. Following subtasks will focus on developmental and testing activities to provide solution for use cases.
Involved Partners : 4MOD, BOSCH, LGE, MELSEN, SAL, TST, UniPG, VITESCO