Subtask 5.1.2 Surveys on education offers and needs

Need analysis surveys about collaborative learning of all stakeholders around the Education/Training/VET environment will be carried out with the aim to quantify what is needed for students and professionals in terms of training in Green Electronics and 6R approach: teaching staff and professionals, school service providers, civil society organisations and policy-makers in education environment will be involved. NSB will lead this survey activity.

Structured and unstructured interviews and questionnaires will be designed to collect information; webinars and focus groups will be planned. Online analytics tools and research data will be used to understand user behaviour with regard to the e-waste management and to the eco-design/circularity in electronics.

A complete survey of what is available/offered for students and professionals in terms of training in Green Electronics and 6R approach will be carried out. On the other side, needs in terms of training/courses toward Green Electronics will be mapped. From this, Task 5.2 will set up the specifications for the summer school, MOOC and open sources courses to be developed in EECONE and will identify the possibility of connecting Education/Training/VET organisations to further develop new programs in the field of green electronics.

Involved Partners : NSB