Subtask 5.2.3 First Summer School on Green Electronics / 6R circularity strategies

In complement to current offers from the electronic community, EECONE is targeting to develop the first Summer School on circular electronics with the ambition to deliver two sessions, one during the project s second year and one during the third year. The Summer school will expect physical attendees, with tutorials and labs to train professionals on new tools and data identification, which is a critical point in eco-design and life cycle assessment (LCA). Experts from the project are expected to share their experience, knowledge, and best practice with the trainees. Since circular electronics are always facing economic issues, an important time allocation will be given to address the economic and societal impacts versus the environmental effects. Round tables and open discussions are vital sessions to ensure professionals are convinced by the necessity, the interest, and ultimately the added value in considering circular electronics. Virtual sessions will also be organised. The Summer School implementation will be coordinated by INP-GRE. OZU, TUL, SAL and other partners will take part in the content development
Involved Partners : INP Gre, OzU, SAL, TUL