Subtask 5.3.4 Dissemination through portals and web applications
Several portals, webapp and atlas will be developed, adapted and/or deployed throughout the EECONE project. Among them, the Atlas for education developed by NSB has already been introduced in Task 5.2. Below are listed two other important web services developed and offering during the project:D&R will contribute to the dissemination of project results toward the external industry community. Such promotion relies on the long term experience in other European projects ( and is based on 4 key assets ∙ Identification of a community of industry members interested by such a project The goal is to create a “community” similar to the 42.000 IP Soc community. This means creating attention and refreshing permanently the contact email addresses
∙ Emitting when ready weekly News alert about News in the field ((similar to D&R News Alert or SOI Newsletter) focusing about main news in Industry in this field
∙ Promoting main results of the partners which should be known publicly
∙ Ultimately including a search on Green products once the Green products are identified and profiled in connection with WP3
By these means, EECONE’s results along with other achievements outside of the project will be broadcasted to the D&R web-based industrial community. This will strongly contribute to the visibility of the Green Electronics field, including a specific showcasing of EECONE project results.
This portal development activity corresponds to deliverable D5.6 that will be released at T0+24.
IMEC will also contribute to the virtual dissemination of project results by coding and publishing a web application called imec.netzero. In task 3 of WP3, IMEC will develop a tool for the assessment of the environmental footprint resulting from the fabrication of IC-chips in High Volume Manufacturing (HVM) industry.
These chips are low entropy objects whose fabrication consumes massive amounts of energy and material resources. Due to the complexity of this industry, there exists a deep knowledge gap in the Life-Cycle Assessment of IC chips for present and future technologies. By permanently publishing the imec.netzero webapp on its website (and linking it to other EECONE dissemination resources), IMEC intends to reduce the knowledge gap and provide the IC community, the academic world and decision makers with the necessary data to assess the important environmental consequences of the ICT industry.
The imec.netzero frontend interface will enable public users to select a number of technology parameters, launch a model calculation and represent chip fabrication impact (climate change, water scarcity and mineral depletion) with great level of details. The table below details the three major releases that will be delivered during the project. The activity related to this tool will correspond to deliverable D5.7. In conclusion for Task 5.3 on dissemination activities, the Figure below schematically describes all the communication, educational and networking activities that will be deployed to communicate EECONE’s results to the public.
Involved Partners : DR, IMEC, NSB